New Leagues Always Welcomed
Wednesday Morning
8:30am Shotgun Start | Over the Hill Gang |
9 hole senior league, new players always welcomed.
Monday Evening
5:30pm Shotgun Start | Super Chevy League |
Tuesday Afternoon
3:00pm Start | Ray’s League |
Wednesday Evening
5:30pm Shotgun Start | 3-Man Scramble League |
5:30pm Shotgun Start | Women’s League |
Course will be closed from 3pm till dark, every Wednesday, May – September for league play.
New ladies league players always welcomed more information email
Thursday Evening
4:30pm Start | Men’s League 9 Holes |
Any golfer is welcomed to play each week, or once in a while. Always open for new players
Our leagues are always welcoming new players,
please contact Megan at 440.636.5171 for any additional information.
Looking to bring your league to Rolling Green? Call or email Megan to set up now! 440.636.5171